TR2 Transponder Direct Power - Kart

The TR2 Transponder is the newest and most innovative transponder for karting. This transponder can be charged by your vehicle's battery and is replacing the X2 Direct Power Transponder. Reliable hardware, easy subscription management via Bluetooth and the Speedhive App, and flexible subscription options to fit your needs.


  • Can NOT be used as a battery-powered transponder. Only works when directly wired to a 12V vehicle battery
  • Easy buying and syncing your subscription with the Speedhive App
  • Easy and free online access to your practice and race results via the Speedhive platform*
  • Compatible with all MYLAPS (AMB) timing systems
  • Accurate and reliable
  • Unlimited warranty during active subscription (2 years warranty on TR2 Go Transponder)


* No results on Speedhive? Ask your event organizer or local track to enable Speedhive


More about the TR2 Transponder Direct Power - Kart

Warranty and Insurance

Your MYLAPS transponder or chip comes with warranty and insurance. It covers damage as a result of accident or fire – but not theft or loss.
This means MYLAPS guarantees that the device keeps working and is in good order.

If you have a TR2 Transponder, X2 Transponder, Flex Transponder or ProChip with a valid subscription, we provide unlimited warranty
as long as you have an active subscription, under some conditions. Should any problems occur during normal use – as described in the manual –
MYLAPS will repair or replace your transponder free of charge. All details can be found in our
warranty policy.